Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Youth Soccer Tryout Announcements - Fall 2014 through Spring 2015 season

Teams, clubs and academies from any Region 1 state are invited to post upcoming try-out specs below. Please include dates, times, address and preferably an email contact. If you can clarify at what level your team plays, this is helpful as well.

Each poster may publish a contact person's name and email address who can offer additional information. However, we recommend posting an email address only, if possible. 

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

NEW! VIEWER REQUEST: U10B Under 10 Boys Soccer

U10 boys' teams are preparing to move into 11 v. 11 or stay 8 v. 8. 

This is a time when players develop a true love for the game and the focus is fun, fun and enjoyment of the beautiful sport. 

And fun.